Charmate has been quietly providing Kiwis with traditional charcoal grills and outdoor heating options for many years.
Oh, you've seen us. We know it. We've been quietly spreading the word of charcoal for about 20 years now. Meeting the Kiwi demand for well-priced charcoal products that will keep charcoal lovers in NZ happy. But let’s just say, that now is our time. We're coming out of the shadows and we're ready to recruit! "Low and Slow" is firmly taking a foothold in this country, and we're on the forefront of all the charcoal goodness that is to come.
We are ready to make some noise, recruit as many charcoal-tarians as we can and transform the way you think about outdoor cooking!
Nowadays people take inspiration from all around the world, we travel, we explore, we watch food TV and get mouthwatering recipes directly to our Instagram accounts. Look no further ... if you need a charcoal kettle, offset barbecue, smoker, fire pit, chimenea or fuel, you've come to the right place!
Our self-appointed team of experts beat, burn, abuse and generally give our products a good thrashing to make sure they satisfy our quality standards. Our new website showcases the survivors of this brutal punishment, so now we’re satisfied, you get your turn!
For true charcoal cooking it is a labour of love, ‘low and slow’, hours spent loving your food and your craft, time to socialise and savour the aromas of your tasty fare. Whether you consider yourself a Backyard Apprentice, a Pit Pioneer or a Flavour Master, we have not only a product that’s right for you, we have loads of information to help you find your own ‘flavour’, and some great recipes to boot. And if you need some assistance just contact us and our team will do their best to make sure you enjoy a great taste and good times!
Our friends at Gasmate
Gasmate, our well-known more mature older brother, began back in the day when we were all about LPG cylinders. Our Dad, Aber (Alan Brown Energy Resources) was big into automotive cylinders at the time. The 90’s saw the launch of our first 3 burner BBQ and today we offer a huge range of gas cooking, heating and lighting products (and accessories).
We source only the very best products to give you bang for your buck, and then we often modify the designs to suit Kiwi requirements. And we know what works best here.
So, whether you're a gas lover, a charcoal-tarian, or a little bit of both. Between Charmate and Gasmate we've got you covered. So get out there and enjoy!